Most 50 Passwords you should never use

Most 50 Passwords you should never use

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Hai friends in this present system the hacking is developing day by day so please be carefull while using passord, for that i had given you that most 50 passwords you should never use, so be carefull about passwords. The Hackers may hack at any time so put password strongly.
The attack on Gawker Media site recently once again showed the risk of using weak passwords. Using the same username and password for multiple sites may be convenient, but it can prove costly. An analysis of the passwords stolen in the Gawker incident show that many people are choosing poor passwords, that are easy for online criminals to guess.
In fact, post Gawker attack, several websites like Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and Yahoo advised users to change their passwords. According to Sophos, many users (33% in its research) use the same password on every single website. This means that if their password gets stolen in one place (say on Gawker’s Gizmodo or Lifehacker websites), it can be used to unlock access to other sites too.
  1. 123456
  2. Password
  3. 12345678
  4. Lifehack
  5. qwerty
  6. abc123
  7. 111111
  8. monkey
  9. consumer
  10. 12345
  11. Letmein
  12. trustno1
  13. dragon
  14. 1234567
  15. kotaku
  16. Baseball
  17. superman
  18. iloveyou
  19. gizmodo
  20. internet
  21. Sunshine
  22. 1234
  23. princess
  24. starwars
  25. whatever
  26. Shadow
  27. cheese
  28. 123123
  29. nintendo
  30. football
  31. Computer
  32. f–you
  33. 654321
  34. blahblah
  35. passw0rd
  36. master
  37. soccer
  38. michael
  39. 666666
  40. jennifer
  41. gawker
  42. password
  43. jordan
  44. pokemon
  45. michelle
  46. killer
  47. pepper
  48. welcome
  49. batman
  50. mylove


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